Tuesday, 28 May 2019

New Play (Folk themed/Dialect preservation)

Maddie (Two-act play) (Duologue)

Set in the 1920's as a young woman arrives for an interview at a large house in Oxford and waylays proceedings with her unusual and rather confident persona.

Running time: Approx 2 hours

Dialect Words (West Oxfordshire)

Roomthy - large. 'Their new house is summot to take in 'n all. Five rooms and every one as roomthy as the other!'

Upsides wi' - to get even with. To extract revenge. 'I'll be upsides wi' the lot of ye! And you just see if I don't!'

Dialect Words (West Oxfordshire)

Boords - to foretell. 'I dwunt like the look a the skies yonder. It boords rain.'

Pickid - thin and pale. 'You must take a care of your young wife. She looks awful pickid, she does.'

Dialect Words (West Oxfordshire)

Dabster - a clever workman. 'He's a dabster at his woodwork, an he just!'

Umfiddlin - Not feeling well.
'I be umfiddlin, more's the pity.'

Upcoming title

A new experimental novel by the West Oxfordshire Authors Collective .